Wooden bouncy figures decorated with paint and foam rubber


These lovely wooden bouncy figures are amusing and will look great on any desk.

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Hoe werkt het
Sådan gør du:   Paint your wooden bouncy figure with a base paint in your chosen colour. Don't forget the stand – you may choose a different colour for the stand.
2   If you choose to make the aeroplane, then paint two googly eyes for the wheels and a googly eye for the propeller.
3   Print out the template sheet and cut out the templates for your chosen figures.
4   Copy the templates onto the foam rubber sheet and cut out. Please note that there are no templates for the sheep's feet or for the grass and there is no template for the dots on the fish.
5   Attach the foam rubber, googly eyes and pom-poms onto your wooden bouncy figure using glue.
6   Add further details onto the figure and the foam rubber using Posca markers.
A TIP   Explore the idea of what the round shape can be used for; who says that a robot cannot be round? Or perhaps you want it to look like an apple with a worm popping out? You are only limited by your imagination.
Guide step %d
Template   Print the template here.
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These lovely wooden bouncy figures are amusing and will look great on any desk.

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