

Maak zomerse vlaggen van vilt en decoreer deze met servetten die gelijmd worden met A-color Allround medium lijmlak.

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{{ optionsGroup.label }}

{{ getVariantsButtonText(option) }}
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{{ getFormattedBundlePrice() }}

{{ getRewardMessage() }}

Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1.   Apply a thin yet covering layer of A-color Allround medium glue lacquer to the felt using a brush.
Guide step %d
2.   Attach the outer thin layer with the design onto the felt and gently apply another layer of A-color Allround medium glue lacquer. Let it dry.
Guide step %d
3.   Cut streamers using the template.
Guide step %d
4.   Attach the tpp end of the streamers around a piece of flax twine using a glue gun.
Guide step %d
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