Platte kerstballen met stof


Deze prachtige platte glazen kerstballen zijn gedecoreerd met kleine stukken Vivi Gade Design stof, bevestigd met A-color Allround medium lijmlak.

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Guide step %d
1   Cut two identical pieces of cotton fabric to fit the glass decoration. Cut a notch (for hanging) – and cut out the heart.
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2   Apply a generous layer of A-color Allround medium glue lacquer to the glass bauble.
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3   Glue one piece of fabric onto the bauble, right side against the glass.
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4   Apply A-color Allround medium glue lacquer to the piece of fabric which has already been glued onto the bauble.
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5   Attach the second piece of fabric on top of the other, right side facing out.
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6   Cut off the excess fabric.
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7   Apply some A-color Allround medium glue lacquer on the back of the heart.
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8   Attach this onto the glass bauble.
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9   Blonden limes på kanten til slut.
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An Alternative Glass Bauble   Apply A-color Allround medium glue lacquer to the glass bauble and attach the fabric cut-offs randomly on the front and back of the glass.
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