Long-legged sculptures


Beautiful and elegant sculptures from metal wire and self-hardening clay with inspiration from the figure universe of Giacometti and Salvador Dalí. The children form a skeleton from wire, cover it with self-hardening clay and paint with bright colours inspired by South American folk art. TARGET GROUP: Infants/lower juniors (preschool-Y3) and juniors (Y4-Y6)

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Hoe werkt het
1   Form a skeleton from bonsai wire. Make sure the figure can stand on its own.
2   Now form the slender figure from self-hardening clay around the wire and let it dry.
3   Paint the sculpture with opaque paint in bright colours. Leave to dry. (You may apply several layers so that the figure appears bright ...)
4   Draw eg. details with a covering field. Let dry.
5   Paint eyes with a foam stencil brush, brush handle or a wooden flower stick.
6   The extra thick 3 mm bonsai wire makes the figures quite stable, and the slender look can therefore be exaggerated.
7   Y2 and Y3 pupils can use the softer 2mm bonsai wire instead. But then the figures must be smaller so that the wire holds its shape.
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Meer informatie

Beautiful and elegant sculptures from metal wire and self-hardening clay with inspiration from the figure universe of Giacometti and Salvador Dalí. The children form a skeleton from wire, cover it with self-hardening clay and paint with bright colours inspired by South American folk art. TARGET GROUP: Infants/lower juniors (preschool-Y3) and juniors (Y4-Y6)

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