Lanterns with Knitted Covers


These lovely lanterns have got jumpers on. These are knitted from Melbourne Wool on No. 4 knitting needles following the pattern.

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Hoe werkt het
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A   Cast on 44 stitches on No. 4 stocking knitting needles and knit a round tube in moss stitches, 32 rounds, 1 plain, 1 purl staggered over each other. Cast off.
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B   Cast on 42 stitches on No. 4 stocking knitting needle. Start and finish with 3 rows of plain knitting, knit a tube. Knit the middle 20 rounds following the diagram.
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C   Cast 64 stitches onto a No. 4 knitting needle. Knit back and forth following the diagram. Knit the pattern on the diagram from the front: the cable is made by placing 4 stitches on an extra sock knitting needle behind the knitting. Knit the next 4 stitches plain and then knit the 4 stitches from the extra sock knitting needle plain, see the diagram. Continue until the desired height is reached. Cast off all the stitches and sew the piece together to form a tube.
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D. A small Candle Holder   Cast on 32 stitches onto No. 4 stocking knitting needles and knit a tube in rib; 1 purl, 1 plain, 15 rounds. Cast off.
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E   Cast on 32 stitches onto No. 4 stocking knitting needles and knit a tube in moss stitches: 1 plain, 1 purl which is staggered over each other, 18 rows. Cast off.
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F   Cast 14 stitches onto a No. 4 knitting needle. Knit following the diagram until the length fits the candle holder. Knit the pattern from the front: place 4 stitches onto an extra sock knitting needle behind the knitted piece. Knit the next 4 stitches plain. Knit the 4 stitches from the extra sock knitting needle plain. Cast off all stitches and sew the knitted piece together.
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7   You may make your own knitting pattern but cast on the same amount of stitches at the start. Wool consumption: 1 ball of wool for 2 large and 2 small candle holders.
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