Tweedelig ei gedecoreerd met veren en natuurlijk hennep koord


Maak zelf een paasei van dit tweedelige ei. Decoreer met Plus Color Acrylverf, natuurlijke veren en houten decoraties. Dit ei kan gebruikt worden als decoratie maar ook als cadeauverpakking.

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Guide step %d
1   Draw lines on the part of the egg that will be the lid. These lines are used as guide lines when attaching the feathers.
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2   Glue feathers on the lid using a glue gun. For the large eggs you will need one bag of feathers for one half of the egg. For the small egg you will need one bag of feathers.
Guide step %d
3   Paint the bottom part of the largest egg with Plus Color craft paint. You may apply two coats of paint.
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4   Make a card waist band by tearing strips off using a ruler. Tear on the reverse side. This strip is 4 cm wide. You will need two strips for an Easter egg.
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5   Scrunch up the card to add texture.
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6   Glue the card strips together in continuation of each other using a glue gun. Place the egg on top of the join and gather the strips on top, making sure that the waist band goes all the way around the egg.
Guide step %d
7   Wrap natural twine around the egg three times and finish with a bow. You may attach another wood veneer decoration.
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