Transfer afbeeldingen


Canvassen gedecoreerd met fotokopieën en transfer technieken met Super Gesso Primer.

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{{ getRewardMessage() }}

Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1.   Print the design with a laser printer onto normal photo copy paper.
Guide step %d
2.   Apply an even layer of Super Gesso Primer onto the art canvas.
Guide step %d
3.   Place the copy face-down onto the art canvas, wipe it flat to remove the air bubbles. Let it dry.
Guide step %d
4.   Dab water onto the paper and gently rub and remove the paper until the image appears.
Guide step %d
5.   Paint the designs with Plus Color Craft Paint.
Guide step %d
6.   Paint all the edges black and varnish the pictures.
Guide step %d
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