Storage bags with lino printing


Make vegetable prints in linoleum printed with fabric paint on fabric storage bags.

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Guide step %d
1   Print the designs from the PDF file at the bottom of this page. Shade on the back using a pencil. Place the print onto a lino block, attach it onto the block so it doesn't slide. Draw onto the design with a pencil. Remove the print once the design is copied onto the lino block.
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2   Cut away the rubber background around the design with a lino cutter to make a raised design.
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3   Cut away excess lino from the lino block and use it, for example, for other designs. Avoid accidentally spreading ink by cutting off the edges at an angle.
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4   Place a piece of plastic inside the bag prior to printing.
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5   Make straight rows by attaching a piece of masking tape onto the fabric bag, and mark the distance between the prints on the masking tape.
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6   Pour fabric paint onto a piece of card. Dab a foam stencil brush in the paint, saturating it with paint.
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7   Dab paint onto the lino design. Wipe off any excess paint off the edges. A tip: Make a couple of test prints on an old piece of fabric or paper.
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8   Print designs onto the fabric bag.
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9   Fix the prints with an iron on a cotton setting.
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10   Here is a fabric bag with an onion design.
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11   Here is a fabric bag with printed carrots.
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Template   Print the template here.
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Meer informatie

Make vegetable prints in linoleum printed with fabric paint on fabric storage bags.

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