Ster van stro in ring


Maak zelf een ster van stro door stro vast te zetten in stervorm met gouddraad. De ster is gehangen in een metalen ring, waardoor de ster extra mooi uitkomt.

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Guide step %d
1   Let the straws soak in water for a minimum of 4 hours which makes them easier to work with. The straw musn't have dried again when you are making the star. Place four straws on top of each other as shown in this picture. Press them flat where they cross in the middle and attach them to the needle felting foam pad with a pin.
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2   Start by feeding the gold thread under the straw at the bottom. Feed the thread over the straw next to it, under the next one etc. Make four rounds and finish with a double knot. Make another straw star using the same procedure.
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3   Trim the ends to your chosen length. You may cut them differently; straight, at an angle, pointy or forked. Cut the straws for one of the stars shorter than the straws for the other star.
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4   Fix the two straw stars together with gold thread like in step 2. If the straws are sticking out at an angle, you may place a heavy book on top until it is dry. Hang the straw star in the middle of a metal hoop using gold thread.
Guide step %d
5   The two straw stars before assembly.
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