Stenen en Silk Clay


Ronde stenen van verschillende soorten zijn gedecoreerd met glas en porselein markers. De kalkstenen stenen zijn aan elkaar bevestigd met Silk Clay, terwijl de harde stenen (behalve vuursteen) zijn gelijmd met montagekit.

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Hoe werkt het
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1.   Collect round stones in different sizes. Preferably limestones and granite.
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2.   Try balancing three, four or five stones on top of eachother.
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3.   Decorate the stones with glass & porcelain markers. Make dots, stripes, eyes etc. and leave to dry.
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4.   Model balls from black Silk Clay and place these between the stones – one at a time – to make a figure. Moisten the stones with water if the Silk Clay modelling clay does not stick. As an alternative to Silk Clay you may use mounting glue.
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5.   Slightly larger stones may be decorated sea ​​creatures, modelled from Silk Clay in different colours. Attach wiggle eyes. Attach the creatures directly onto the loose stones when they are still moist.
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