Starter Hobbyset: leer schilderen met aquarelverf


Maak kennis met de wondere wereld van het aquarellen. Deze video's laten u stap voor stap zien hoe u een prachtige aquarel kunt schilderen en leert u verschillende aquareltechnieken.

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Zo schilder je een aquarel   You will be guided step-by-step in how to paint a beautiful watercolour painting.
Zo meng je aquarelverf   Learn how to mix the paint to create new colours – on paper and in the palette. With the primary colours red, blue and yellow, you can mix to create all the colours of the rainbow. Create different shades depending on the amount of water and paint.
Verf met aquarelverf met de nat-in-nat-techniek   This video demonstrates how the wet paint spreads randomly on the paper. This technique is called “wet-on-wet”. Here you can learn how to paint on top of a colour and how to merge into a different colour.
Aquarellen met vloeiende penseelstreken   Learn how a varied pressure on the brush results in a varied line. In this example we are using this technique for painting leaves.
Zo gebruik je de aquarel lift techniek   Learn how to lift or remove watercolours from watercolour paper. This technique is called ”lifting”. Here we have used the technique on a dry design, adding details (the lightly painted line) by lifting or removing the paint. The paint is re-activated with clean water on a brush and can be lifted with a dry brush which soaks up the paint.
Aquarellen met de nat op droog techniek   Learn how to apply paint in several layers. This technique is called ”wet-on-dry”. The paint is applied onto a dry area, adding details with a darker colour. The application of the paint is controlled and the lines stand out clearly with this procedure.
Aquarellen met lichte penseelstreken   Learn how you can create beautiful effects with the colours with light brush strokes. Here we are demonstrating the technique by painting blades of grass with quick, light brush strokes.
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Maak kennis met de wondere wereld van het aquarellen. Deze video's laten u stap voor stap zien hoe u een prachtige aquarel kunt schilderen en leert u verschillende aquareltechnieken.

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