Verf en -toebehoren

Voeg kleur toe aan uw creativiteit met onze verf en accessoires. De selectie omvat alles van acryl verf op waterbasis, potloden en krijt tot glas - en porseleindecoratie, textieldecoratie en nog veel meer. U vindt er ook doeken, kwasten en andere schilderaccessoires.

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Painting and colors put colors on creativity

When painting with a range of colours, you can easily make your creative hobby projects extra beautiful and exciting. Plus it become just a bit more fun, if you have the right materials – you will find them right here. We offer a wide variety of colours and accessories that put color on creativity.

And the selection is huge, since adding color to your creative projects can be done in such a wide variety of ways with a grand range of forms and color types.

Pencils and chalk for big and small

An example of colours comes in the form of Potloden en krijt . When you hear these words, you may be thinking of childhood and school, where these are often used. Our Potloden en krijt however can easily be used by adults as well.

We have a big collection of Zacht kleurkrijt and Potlood krijt in all the colors of the rainbow, that can help the creativity and colour down the right path, regardless of whether it is the coloring book or a blank sheet of paper.

Paint is not just paint

At Creativ Company you will of course also find and paints in many different colors. Paint is however not just paint, this because there exist many different types of paint, what type of paint you need is dependent on what you need painted.

For example, if you want to paint on wood, stone, cardboard, gauze of something similar we have Acrylverf that is optimal for just these types of materials. Underneath you will find our most popular Plus Color craft paints. If it is, on the other hand glass and porcelain you want to paint, you would want to use our Glas- en porseleinstiften or Glas- en porseleinverf . On top of that you will also find , Glas- en porseleinstiften and Schmink en accessoires , as well as other ypes of paint.

Paint and color for textiles

If want to decorate and colour textiles, then dive into our most popular category with materials for Textieldecoratie . Here you will also find Batikverf , Textielstiften , Semi-dekkende textielverf and Volledig dekkende textielverf etc.

Here you will also find other materials for textile decoration, like our popular Opstrijk op textiel and Stickers voor textieldecoratie . Both are super easy to use for both adults and children.

Or are you on the on the hunt for textiles to decorate? Then fret not. You will also find a huge collection of Kant en klaar artikelen for decoration. They are however in another category: Textiel en garen .

Brushes, Canvas, and other accessories.

As well as colors and paints here, you will also find a big selection of Canvassen , Kwasten, spatels en pallets together with other Verfartikelen . Accessories that are necessary and amazing to have when you paint or color your hobby projects.

Missing brushes for kids? Then look at our collection of Kinderkwasten that perfectly fits their small hands. There are of course also Kunstschilderspenselen , Sjabloonkwasten and Patroonrollers etc.

With our giant collection of both colors, paints, and fitting accessories you will have so much opportunity to color your creative projects

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Verf en -toebehoren