Paascreaties met puff-up


Verf kleine bloempotjes, samengeperst katoenballen en eieren met Plus Color. Maak polka stippen met Puff Liner en "blaas" deze op met een warmtepistool. Voeg tenslotte bloemenlint toe, grappige ogen en andere decoratieve details.

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Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1.   Paint a compressed cotton egg, a compressed cotton ball and a flower pot with Plus Color. Let it dry.
Guide step %d
2.   Cut the ears and the nose from card and glue these parts onto balls and eggs using a glue gun. Glue the head onto the flower pot. Use an end cutter for cutting off the fastener attached to the back of the funny eyes – glue the eye onto the compressed cotton ball with a glue gun.
Guide step %d
3.   Make dots on the flower pots, the head and the ears with a Puff Liner.
Guide step %d
4.   Use a heat gun and circular movements to puff up the dots.
Guide step %d
5.   Finally glue the flower ribbon onto the flower pot.
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