Lichtgevende spoken van Silk Clay


Deze geesten zijn gemaakt van witte en zwarte Silk Clay. De Silk Clay is aangebracht op een ovale vorm van styropor. De spoken worden vervolgens bevestigd op een zwart geverfde stok met een voet. Daarna worden de spoken geverfd met lichtgevende verf.

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Hoe werkt het
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1.   Use the large polystyrene UFO for the body. Push a short, thin flower stick into each side for the arms. The hands are small polystyrene UFOs pushed onto the ends of each arm. Paint the flower stick in the stand with black Plus Color Craft paint and let it dry before inserting it into the base of the body.
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2.   Knead the white Silk Clay to remove any air bubbles and roll it flat using a rolling pin or similar.
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3.   Put the rolled out piece of Silk Clay onto the skeleton which is on the stand. Shape it into a ghost. NB: it may be necessary to roll more flat pieces of Silk Clay to cover the skeleton completely.
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4.   Use black Silk Clay for rolling balls for the eyes and the mouth and attach them to the ghost's face.
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5.   In order to make the ghost luminescent, apply a coat of “Glow in the Dark” luminescent paint. Remember: the more coats of paint luminescent, the greater the luminescent effect in the dark!
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