Kralen op draad


Kralen zijn geregen op sterk draad en de sluiting is aan beide uiteinden gelijmd met lijm.

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{{ optionsGroup.label }}

{{ getVariantsButtonText(option) }}
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{{ getFormattedBundlePrice() }}

{{ getRewardMessage() }}

Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1.   The clasp consits of three parts. Attach largest part onto the wire turning the large hole turning towards the end of the wire. Glue on the small part without a screw using instant glue.
Guide step %d
2.   Thread beads onto the wire before closing the wire at the other end by glueing on the part with the screw.
Guide step %d
3.   Pull the large part over the small part.
Guide step %d
4.   Screw on the part with the screw onto the large fastening part.
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