Kerstkaarten met Big Shot snijmallen


Gemakkelijke kerstkaarten gemaakt met Big Shot snijmallen.

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{{ optionsGroup.label }}

{{ getVariantsButtonText(option) }}
Totale prijs
{{ getFormattedBundlePrice() }}

{{ getRewardMessage() }}

Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1.   Cut out a square piece of paper and attach it to the card using E-Z runner.
Guide step %d
2.   Use the E-Z runner for attaching double-sided adhesive pre-cut strips onto a doily.
Guide step %d
3.   Use the E-Z runner for attaching double-sided adhesive pre-cut strips onto decorative ribbons and attach these to the card.
Guide step %d
4.   Die-cut a reindeer design using the Bigz Die on the Big Shot machine.
Guide step %d
5.   Attach the design to the card.
Guide step %d
6.   Cut small pieces of ribbon and attach them to the card.
Guide step %d
7.   Cut off the legs of a brad.
Guide step %d
8.   Attach it to the card using a glue gun.
Guide step %d
9.   Make dots in the corners with an Edding Marker Pen.
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