Hangende Kerstdecoraties met veel glitter


De beschilderde kerstdecoraties zijn gedompeld in Paverpol Sculptuur Medium, en bedekt met een mix van glitter en kleine glazen kraaltjes.

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Hoe werkt het
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1.   Paint the papier-mâché item with Plus Color Craft Paint. Let it dry.
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2.   Dip the papier-mâché item in Paverpol sculpting medium and let it drip off for approx. 1 minute.
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3.   Cover the item in a beautiful mix made from mini glass beads, beads and glitter. Use a tray for “breading” the papier-mâché item.
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4.   Now the papier-mâché is emerged in the mix in the tray. Press lightly until the item is fully covered in the glitter mix. Let it dry.
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5.   Cover both sides with the glitter mix.
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6.   Thread a plastic bead onto the piece of string for hanging.
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