Gevlochten leren armband


Rustiek en vrouwelijk tegelijk. Deze leren armbanden zijn gemaakt door stukken leerkoord te vlechten met echte veren en Indiaanse kralen.

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{{ optionsGroup.label }}

{{ getVariantsButtonText(option) }}
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{{ getFormattedBundlePrice() }}

{{ getRewardMessage() }}

Guide step %d
1.   Cut two pieces of leather cord, one measuring 200cm and one measuring 60cm. Double over the long piece of leather cord. The loop must be the correct size for being used as a fastener for the bead. Braid around the short leather cord. See the technique described in our Jewellery School.
Guide step %d
2.   Thread the beads onto the middle cord. The holes of the beads may vary in size.
Guide step %d
3.   Once the desired lenght of the bracelet is reached, thread on the bead/fastener onto the middle cord and tie it with a double knot.
Guide step %d
4.   Secure the ends with a darning needle.
Guide step %d
5   See more variants
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