Gevlochten leerpapieren hart


Deze mand in de vorm van een hart is gevlochten van stroken van leerpapier. Gebruik om op te hangen een stuk leerkoord gedecoreerd met kralen.

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{{ optionsGroup.label }}

{{ getVariantsButtonText(option) }}
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Guide step %d
1   Weave the heart basket following the step-by-step instructions on the pack up to and including step 7. Make the loop on the right as illustrated.
Guide step %d
2   Push the loop on the left through in the same manner.
Guide step %d
3   Trim the paper star stripperpendicular to the edge.
Guide step %d
4   Bend the paper strip that was underneath and cut it at an angle to insert it under the transverse strip, thereby hiding and fastening it.
Guide step %d
5   Turn over and copy on the other side.
Guide step %d
6   Make a hole at the top with hole punch pliers or a darning needle.
Guide step %d
7   Thread a 1mm leather cord through the hole. Decorate the doubled-over leather cord with wooden beads and tie a knot.
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