Gevlochten armband


Deze armband is gevlochten met katoenkoord en met glas- en zilveren kralen.

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Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1.   Cut two pieces of cotton twine, one measuring 200cm and the other 80cm. Double over both pieces of twine and start braiding. See the technique below.
Guide step %d
2.   The beads are gathered in the middle on this bracelet, but they could be spread all the way around if chosen to. When fastening the cotton twine, it is advisable to glue the end in place with Super Attak Instant Glue.
Guide step %d
A.   Braiding Technique: A clip board  is used for starting and supporting the braiding. Attach the pieces of cord under  the clip. Thread beads onto the middle piece of cord.
Guide step %d
B.   Follow steps B to I. Start again and switch from right to left until the desired length is reached.
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C.   -
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D.   -
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E.   -
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F.   -
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G.   -
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H.   -
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I.   -
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J.   Push up the beads when they are needed.
Guide step %d
K.   Place the middle cords parallel and braid an extra piece of cord over the two middle cords.
Guide step %d
L.   Cut off the ends leaving approx. 1cm.
Guide step %d
M.   Melt the ends one by one with a lighter and immediately push them into the braided piece with  a pair of scissors (for example) so they melt together.
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