Gedecoreerde ringband


Handgemaakt papier en kurk is gelijmd op de ringband. Geverfd met Plus Color en gedecoreerd met voorgestanste motieven, voorgestanste tekst en leerkoord.

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{{ optionsGroup.label }}

{{ getVariantsButtonText(option) }}
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{{ getFormattedBundlePrice() }}

{{ getRewardMessage() }}

Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1   Use masking tape to cover a small area of the spine and paint the exposed area on the spine with Plus Color. Remove the masking tape immediately. Paint the die-cut designs.
Guide step %d
2   Cut a piece of hand-made paper and attach onto the front of the binder with VTR adhesive.
Guide step %d
3   Glue on a piece of cork. You may also glue a small piece of cork onto the spine.
Guide step %d
4   Die-cut letters on the Big Shot machine.
Guide step %d
5   Glue on text.
Guide step %d
6   Tie a leather cord around.
Guide step %d
7   Glue on the painted die-cut designs.
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