Eierwarmers van vilt


Eierwarmers van Vivi Gade vilt. Het vilt is aan elkaar genaaid met festonsteken. Gedecoreerd met vlas koord en kant. De moeder kip is decoratie.

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Hoe werkt het
Guide step %d
1.   Cut out the parts from felt using the template.
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2.   Sew the part together with buttonhole stitches. Start at the bottom and stop 3cm from the top.
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3.   Double over four pieces of flax twine and gather them with a piece of mercerised cotton yarn. Bend down the top of the felt cone, insert the comb and sew the remaining 3cm to the top.
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4.   Cut out the beak from felt, fold and sew with a couple of stitches at the back. Glue the beak onto the hen.
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5.   Glue the lace around the bottom edge of the hen.
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6.   Glue a piece of flax twine on top of the lace border with very small blobs of blue. Tie a bow.
Guide step %d
7.   Make eyes with black Plus Color in a refill plastic bottle with a tip.
Guide step %d
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