Een engel van zwart aluminiumdraad


De engel is gevormd van zwart aluminiumdraad en vervolgens geplaatst op een metalen voet. Een stralenkrans is gemaakt van parelmoer wax kralen geregen op verzilverd draad.

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Hoe werkt het
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1.   Cut a 55cm long piece of aluminium wire. Form a circle with a diameter of approx. 7cm. You may use the circumference of a bowl or a glass for getting the right shape. Secure the ends of the circle by twisting them together.
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2.   Shape the long piece of the aluminium wire into one of the dress braces and a head at the top.
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3.   Cut two 40cm long pieces of aluminium wire. Attach them onto the bottom of the dress by twisting them around a couple of times on either side of the dress brace. Twist one around one of the dress braces which is already made (this will be the back of the angel).
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4.   Cut eight 40cm long pieces of aluminium wires. Distribute them evenly around the bottom of the dress. Do not attach them to the head/neck at the other end.
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5.   The aluminium wire which finishes the circle is now fed up through the angel and twisted around its neck. This will be used for attaching the wings. Push three wires down on either side of this dividing wire. These will be the angel's wings.
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6.   Gather the two wings (each made from three aluminium wires) at the angel's neck and secure with the aluminium wire which divide them. Twist this around all six aluminium wires at the neck.
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7.   At the other end: assemble each wing consisting of three pieces of aluminium wire onto the angel's back – one wire at a time - with a twist onto the same aluminium wire on the angel's back.
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8.   Thread mother-of-pearl beads with a star-shaped bead in the middle onto the thin silver-plated wire. Measure the angel's head and close the finished halo with a twist.
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9.   Attach the finished angel onto a stick with a stand.
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