Charming Christmas decorations made from corks


Re-using items makes sense and can easily be used for something creative! Save your corks and transform them into adorable little Christmas figures in beautiful colours. Ideal for hanging on the Christmas tree or in the window.

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How to do it:   Paint the cork with acrylic paint and leave to dry.
2   Attach a wooden bead for the head using a glue gun.
3   Cut an elf's hat, a scarf, a carrot nose and angel wings from felt and attach onto the cork.
4   Draw facial features with a thin black marker pen and add hair from carded wool.
5   Add dots onto the body, the hat and the face using a brush handle dipped in paint. Leave to dry.
6   Make holes for the snowman's arms and push small sticks into the holes, securing with a blob of glue.
A tip   Glue on a ribbon or a cord inside the hole of the bead at the top or sew a thread in the elf's hat for hanging.
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Re-using items makes sense and can easily be used for something creative! Save your corks and transform them into adorable little Christmas figures in beautiful colours. Ideal for hanging on the Christmas tree or in the window.

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